Basic rules at transportation of cars in containers

A shipping container - it technically any special container that is constructed so that to maintain transporting and provide safety of load. However, that usually occurs, when we think of "shipping container", actually is an "intermodal container". 

It is large standard steel boxes that can be used in a few different types of transport. Usually they have length a from 6 to 12 m, height from a 2 m and width from a 2,3 m. 

On instruction transportation can come true in 20, 40 and 45 one inch cargo containers. Some of them higher than standard, and they are often named "cube containers". On our web-site you can become familiar with all kinds of specialized containers, by their parameters.

Basic rules of transportation of cars are in containers

Dry-cargo ship special containers are an ideal variant for transporting of car. The observance of rules of loading, fixing and transporting, gives perfect security for a transport vehicle. In twenty one-foot containers it is possible to transport a 1 car or SUV. The 40-one-foot is intended for passage of 2nd auto, and the 45-one-foot contains 3 valuable machines. 

The first step to the successful loading is preparation. Make sure in the observance of next points : 

  • all necessary accompanying documents are present for the dispatch of the car;
  • the wheeled disks and tires are clean and dry;
  • spoilers and aerials are taken off;
  • a fuel tank is filled by petrol less than one ¼;
  • flowing is absent a brake and cooling liquids, and oil in the system;
  • pressure is adjusted in the overlays of auto;
  • an accumulator is a power-off and disconnected with autosignaling;
  • the system of autosignaling is turned off.

After the arrival of a special container a car independently drives to the module. If integrity of the machine is broken (transporting of shock auto) or wheels (disks) are absent, loading is accomplished by the special loader with the extended pitchforks.

Requirements as transportation of cars in containers

Instruction to transportation of load in a container plugs in itself a few obligatory requirements. 

As soon as a machine is high-usage, there are next actions:

  • setting of protective material under an engine front and back the bridges of the machine;
  • as transportation of machine with a hydro set mode parking;
  • at mechanical transmission it is needed to include a low gear, and to put a machine on a handbrake;
  • as transportation of cars in two rows (on a height), setting-trestle is assembled. She is fastened to the ceiling of a special container. 4 winches, soft carpets and seals, provide the reliable fixing, defense of basket of machine from scratches and removing layer by layer of paint;
  • they have taken off spoilers, accumulator and other details, can be transported in a luggage rack or salon of machine.

Since a machine will be reliably envisaged and protected, the cargo container close and catch on him stopping the number of that necessarily must be indicated in accompanying papers (package of documents).

Are there rules of fastening of a machine in a marine container?

One of the most important steps is this providing of safety of car. Reliable fastening safety and integrity of transport vehicle will provide ropes during transportation.

In the modules with a standard height a load must be fixed in the immobile state by means of the wire stretching (from a wire there is a 6 mm) or by the special ropes. It is forbidden to surround a machine additional papers, by boxes or to take across the personal things in a container. It can injure a paint on a basket during transporting.

As an additional safety measure it is possible to use straps that delay through wheels, attached tension ratchets between a car and sex of the container. At transporting of the machine a marine transport specialists advise in the engine of the auto to inundate an antifreeze liquid. It will help an engine to be not cold, because transportation comes true in the hold of ship. 

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