Rules for the carriage of containers by sea

1. Generals

1.1. Regulated the real Rules: transportation by a sea, loading and unloading in marine ports of all types of containers, to the belonging enterprises of Ministry of the navy, and their use in all types of reports between ports and points, open for the production of operations with containers.

The action of the real Rules spreads and on marine transportations of containers of other ministries (departments) and their treatment in marine ports, if the orders of higher organs or acceding to these ministries are not envisaged another.

Transportation and transloading of containers, besides the real Rules, are regulated: in a cabotage - by Tariffs on transportation by a marine transport (Price-list of N 11-01); in foreign voyages - by the agreements, celled between transport and foreign trade organizations, terms of application of tariffs, by agreements on work of lines, and also charters (by booking notes); transport-dispatch treatment of export, imported and other foreign trade loads in containers in ports of Ministry of navy regulated also by the "General agreement", celled between Ministry of navy, Department of external commerce and State committee of Council of Ministers of the USSR on external economic connections.

In all other, that not envisaged by afore-named documents, the norms of Code of trade seagoing of Union of SSR (CTS), regulative transportations, operate on a marine transport, and also the General and special rules of transportation of loads (4-М).

Transporting of containers on the territory of the foreign states comes true in accordance with the legislation of this country, and also agreements and tariffs, operating on certain directions.

1.2. For marine transportation universal and specialized containers can be used by mass of gross a 30,48 ton inclusive.

1.3. Containers must correspond to the operating state standards of the USSR or recommendations of International organization on standardization (ISO), and also requirements of International convention on safe containers (ICS) 1972 and Custom convention, touching containers (CC), 1972

Responsibility for the observance of the above-mentioned positions lies on organization - proprietor of container in the process of exploitation of containers and on a handing over side.

1.4. Universal and specialized large-capacity containers must be provided with the certificate of Register of the USSR or other classification society having with Register of the USSR an agreement on a mutual substitution.

1.5. Transportation refrigerator and other specialized loads, liquid chemical loads and condensated gases can be produced in the specialized containers (refrigerator, isothermal, tank containers etc.) with the observance of the technical requirements of transportation, set by transport ministries.

1.6. Containers in good condition, suitable for transportation of this load and purged from bits and pieces of the before transported load, must be given under loading a shipper.

The fitness of containers for transportation of this load is determined by a shipper. 

At a discovery in the container of some disrepair that can influence on safety of the load at transportation, a shipper may cancel it from loading of the load in such container, and if he will load a load in a container not suitable for transportation of this load, then a shipper bears responsibility for arising up hereupon unsafely of load.

1.7. Containers subject to sealing must be technically in good condition and to have adaptations for hanging of stopping. After sealing of containers the possibility of access must be eliminated in them without a removal and damage to the hung stopping.

On every container hung no less one stopping on the plug-forming device of working door that is closed by the last.

Stopping hung on containers must have next signs: 

it is the name of shipper or his dispatch; 

are check character. 

1.8. At a transmission by one side other the container with some damages the act of technical examination of the container is made with the detailed description of character and size of damages

An act is made in triplicate (on one for every side and container owner). 

At establishment of circumstances, requiring drafting of commercial act, it is necessary to follow п.3.3.9 real Rules.

The order of registration of reception-handing over of containers, set by corresponding authorities, operates on foreign territories.

1.9. Dissection of the loaded containers for examination on call of custom authorities is recorded the acts of the set form.

Information about the state of stopping taken off here and about imposition brought in port of the new stopping in the indicated acts. 

Transmission by one ferryman other and delivery to the recipients of the loaded containers before exposed to the custom's inspection, produced on outward examination of good condition of containers and stopping with handing of copy of the indicated acts.

In a transport document a mark is brought in about drafting and appendix of the indicated act. 

1.10. On every container produced to transportation a shipper makes a loading warrant (receipt, dress, invoice) in accordance with the rules of processing of documents on transportation of coast wise, export, imported, transit loads and loads of the direct mixed railway-water report, operating for the corresponding types of swimming.

1.10.1. The number of container, type of container, mass of gross, net of container weight according to a stencil, weight of load, volume of load, name of load and prints of stopping, is specified in a loading warrant (commission, dress, invoice). 

The party of load, designed by a vehicular document setting in one point, must be submerged in every container, in an address one recipient. On every container accepted to transportation the bill (invoice) of lading, in that all indicated essential elements are brought in about a container, and also mark, is given out "amount of load in a container on the statement of sender".

1.10.2. On acceding of sender to the steamship line one bill (invoice, receipt) of lading can be given out on a few containers. On occasion, on a concordance with a steamship line, a shipper or his dispatch can load in one container the loads of the different names, suppliers following different recipients, but here a container must be addressed to one recipient or dispatch, that is under an obligation to carry out the reception of container, disembody it and pass loads from a container to other recipients.

1.10.3. Transportation of containers comes true both on specialized and on ordinary maritime courts. 

1.11. A shipper bears responsibility for all consequences of error, inaccuracies of the information indicated to them in vehicular documents.

1.12. A ferryman has a right to validate the information indicated by a shipper in vehicular documents, and also to produce verification of loading of containers on a carrying capacity and cargo capacity by the selective weighing or verification of the contained container (dissections of container) with registration of act of general form.

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